beauty of samaria gorge
You can specify the exact address or hotel on the comments section
Please write us in the comments if you need more than one.

Booking Information

You can specify the exact address or hotel on the comments section
Date and Time of pickup
Please write us in the comments if you need more than one.
How to book your transfer

Besides Samaria Gorge, we provide transfer to other known gorges of West Crete as well. These gorges are Agia Irini Gorge and Vasiliki Strata Gorge.
Discover more information for those two smaller but beautiful gorges of West Crete.


Find out more information for your luxury transportation for a fun day full of hiking bellow.

samaria taxi

Samaria gorge


Agia Irini transfer

Ag.Irini gorge


vasiliki strata

Vasiliki Strata
